Append footer setting

Use the Append footer setting to configure outbound messages with footer text for legal compliance, or for informational and promotional requirements. The footer is added below the last existing text portion of a message.

Similar to other email security settings, the Append footer setting applies to all users in an organizational unit. Users within child organizations inherit the settings you create for the parent organization.

To set up an email footer for your domain or organizational unit:

  1. Sign in to the Google Admin console. 
  2. Click Google Apps > Gmail > Advanced settings


  3. In the Organizations section near the top of the page, highlight your domain or the organizational unit for which you want to configure settings (see Configure email settings for an organizational unit for more details).
  4. Scroll down to the Append footer section:
    • If the setting's status is Not configured yet, click the Configure button near the right edge of the window (the Add settingdialog box opens).
    • If the setting's status is Locally applied, click Edit to edit an existing setting (the Edit setting dialog box appears), or click Add another to add a new setting (the Add setting dialog box appears).
    • If the setting’s status is Inherited, click View to view the inherited setting, or click Add another to add a new setting (the Add setting dialog box opens).
  5. Type the content for the footer, and optionally use the formatting tools provided.

    Note: There is a 10,000 character limit.
  6. Optionally you can select append the footer to internal messages being sent within your organization.
  7. When you are finished, click Add Setting or Save to close the dialog box.

    Note: Any settings you add will be highlighted on the Email settings page.
  8. Click Save changes at the bottom of the Email settings page.
  9. Test the footer by sending a message to an address outside of your domain. Note that there may be some delay in saving the changes and having them take effect on new mail.
Messages sent using a third-party email client such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail will have the appropriate footer applied when sending outbound. However, if a message is sent as plain text, a text-only version of the footer will be applied to the message. In this case any images in the configured footer will not be applied to the message.


Note: When you are finished, be sure to click Add Setting at the bottom of the dialog box...and then click Save changes at the bottom of the Email settings page to confirm your changes (as shown below).