The symbiosis between Logo, Identity and Brand (in a nutshell)
The Logo
- The company's trademark
- Representation of the company in its simplest form
- Often used online to portray the company in a visual manner
The company logo is like the signature or thumbprint of an individual, allowing for recognition in a simple way.
The Identity
- The sensory experience that someone has when interacting with the company's service/products
- What the end user can See, Hear, Smell Taste or Touch
This might be encompassed as all company marketing materials
- email signatures
- employee uniforms
- corporate jingle
- store layout design
- websites
- package design
- business cards & stationery
- adverts
- logo
The Brand
"Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room." -- Jeff Bezos
- The perception that consumers have once they experience your company
- The relationship that your company has with its end users; are they:
- Motivated
- Inspired
- Empowered
- A lifestyle changer
The above is a basic breakdown of a much bigger subject. Usage should be for quick reference only as there are overlap areas across the mentioned Logo, Identity and Brand sections. This introduction highlights the importance of considering all elements collectively and how they generally interact with one another.